Our weekly tutoring classes provide students with year-long guidance to ensure that they can fulfil their potential. Students are provided with an individualised service that will help them to maximise their SAC and exam scores. In addition to the basic theory, particular focus will be given to the application of skills to exam-style questions, with the aim of beginning exam preparation long before the VCE exams.
Unlike any other course, this weekly tutoring program features exclusive exam and study techniques that were designed and employed by Derrick in achieving his six perfect study scores. These will give students a unique edge over their peers.
Our tutoring centres are located in:
- Chadstone
- Tutor: Derrick Ha
- VCE Subjects: Maths Methods 3&4 and Specialist Mathematics 3&4
- Camberwell
- Tutor: Ashley Wang
- VCE Subjects: Biology Units 3&4, Maths Methods 1&2 and Specialist Maths 1&2
The very small class size per session means that there is a very limited number of places available. It is imperative that you register your details now to avoid disappointment. Places will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.
Registrations for our 2025 programs are now open. Please email contactme@derrickha.com.au for further information. If you are instead interested in tutoring for 2026 or future years, then please enter your details in the form below. Places are very limited and will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Students in our 1&2 programs are guaranteed a place in our 3&4 programs.