VCE English
The VCE English Units 3&4 Book is a resource designed to prepare students for the VCE exams.
This book places an emphasis on exam essay writing and describes the best ways to approach SACs and each of the three sections of the exam. Unlike other resources, this publication includes essays that have been written specifically for VCE English by two of Australia's top students.
Other features include:
- Step-by-step guides for each of the three exam sections
- Special notes on ten of the most popular texts, providing key paragraphs that can be adapted to any text response topic
- 18 sample text responses, 14 context pieces and four language analyses
- Annotations and comments for every essay, which describe the thought process involved at each step
- Four exclusive trial exams that have been updated for the 2014 text list
- A discussion of common spelling and grammatical mistakes to help students gain those extra few marks and improve their study score
- A list of useful and unique vocabulary to provide students with a quick and easy way to improve their writing and impress the examiner
- In the same manner as Derrick's mathematics books, this English book provides a student viewpoint that is easy-to-understand and relevant for students of all abilities.

The guide is written by Xavier Bisits and Derrick Ha, providing the unique students' viewpoint of two of Australia's top students. Both authors achieved perfect ATARs of 99.95 and raw study scores of 50 in English and English Language respectively. The authors achieved a total of nine perfect study scores between them.
Derrick is currently a consultant doctor, having studied medicine at the University of Melbourne as a recipient of the National Medicine Full Scholarship. Xavier studied as a scholarship recipient at the University of Cambridge in England, and now works as a consultant in Washington DC. With this in mind, you can be confident that this English Revision Guide will provide a special perspective on VCE English that cannot be found elsewhere.
You can read a sample by clicking the link on the side of this page.